Foundation Level Certificate Course

Join our first level certificate course for a theoretical and practical foundation on different aspects of mentoring. This course is for people who have at least one year of experience as a mentor, or mentoring program managers seeking a solid foundation for their own practice.

Express your interest now for the 2023 cohort.

Classes + self-paced learning 

Starting date



35 Hours


US $1999

About the course

The program blends theory, reflection, planning and skills development. Each module comprises theory and practice, in addition to reflective practice exercises. The theory component is delivered during two 4-hour online classes over two days, as well as through self-paced learning. 

A Clutterbuck Coaching and Mentoring International (CCMI) Course

Candidates who successfully complete the program and assessment will receive a certificate from Clutterbuck Coaching and Mentoring International.

Accredited by EMCC Global

After assessment, CCMI will automatically recommend you to the EMCC for the Foundation Level Award EIA (European Individual Accreditation) - an individual  Coach / Mentor level award.

International cohort

Join a group of peer learners from multiple countries and share your insights. 

Here is what we will cover in
this course

Your pre-work

The courses Mentoring Fundamentals, Mentoring Techniques & Tools, and Mentoring Women are pre-requisites.  If you've already completed these as part of the Professional Member subscription, you've already done most of the pre-work!

Mentoring and reflection

The origins and scope of mentoring.
The principles of personal reflective space and co-reflection. The skills of reflection and review.

The mentoring relationship

Understanding the stages of a mentoring relationship.
Managing the start of the mentoring engagement.

Mentor competencies

The EMCC Global core competencies of a mentor. How to be your best self, applying your knowledge, experience, wisdom and self-awareness.

Managing the relationship

A toolkit for managing the relationship, through to the conclusion. Group practice of tools and techniques.

Managing common mentoring scenarios

How to manage common scenarios and ethical issues in mentoring relationships.

What you'll need to do

Control how you learn & progress.
Write your awesome label here.


Complete the Professional Member courses before this program begins, plus some additional reading (4 hours).

Online classes

Participate in two 4-hour online classes on July 17 & 18, 2023 (8 hours).

Reading & reflection

Read and reflect on extra materials after the classes (9 hours).

Practice sessions

Join a group for discussion and practice sessions (8 hours over several sessions).


Complete a 1500-word reflective narrative addressing each of the program learning outcomes exploring how you will apply learning from the program to your role (4 hours).

Course Lessons

Lead Facilitator

Professor David Clutterbuck

Author of 75 books on coaching, mentoring, leadership and other management themes, David is credited with introducing supported mentoring to Europe in early 1980s. He co-founded the European Mentoring & Coaching Council and is visiting professor at Henley Business School (Reading University) Sheffield Hallam, Oxford Brookes and York St John Universities.
David leads a global network of mentoring experts and trainers, Coaching and Mentoring International.


Melissa Richardson

Melissa’s experience in mentoring spans over 25 years in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. It’s become her life’s work and personal mission to make life-changing mentoring opportunities available to more people.

Melissa is a member of the global assessment team for the European Mentoring and Coaching Council’s ISMCP Award (International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programs). She has post-graduate qualifications in organisational coaching, counselling and marketing strategy.
Melissa directs the Art of Mentoring research agenda and regularly speaks on mentoring best practice.