Quick Read: 10 Questions to Get to Know Your Mentee

It’s important that you get to know each other before you start the work of helping your mentee finetune goals and moving towards them

Some useful questions to ask your mentee
1. Can you just tell me about you? (anything goes)
2. What gives you the most pleasure in work and in life? 
3. What is most important to you? What do you value most?
4. What have you done that you’re really proud of?
5. Who is on your cheer squad (people that support you the most) and how do they help you? 
6. Imagine you are at the end of your career. What will you WANT to say about your life/career and what regrets DON'T you want to have?
7. What do you most like doing when you are not working or fulfilling caring responsibilities 
8. Who are the heroes in your life and why are they inspiring?
9. What inspired you to seek a mentor?
10.How can I earn your trust and what would most damage your trust for me